Floor storage for Day 18 #100DaysStudioObj

I've got two 2' x 4' cherrywood boards lying on my studio floor in a not so convenient spot that I have to scooch around or step on daily. They are the panels for my next art projects. And I'm storing them on the floor in my petite space as a physical nag to myself to get to it.

And I will! I am very close to finishing the current 2' x 4' panel I've been tinkering with for a couple of weeks (Day 11's post) and then it's on to the next. I'm thinking of continuing the "peek-a-boo" pieces I've been experimenting with, but this time with a color copy poking through. I'll probably end up printing several 13"x19" pieces to make up the big image to fit the board, out of ease of use and low cost. 

Going big is challenge for me, so I'm feeling both good with one big piece almost done and apprehensive about beginning another (two). So much of making art is about overcoming fear.