art mall

 Last night I checked out the second floor of Pacific Design Center's blue building for their semi-regular open house. It's a kind of shopping mall type of experience gallery stroll that I always enjoy. It was particularly lively this time around, with a rather fancy crowd checking out the shows and each other. A few snaps: 


I'm a big fan of a crowded, bright wall of art, so the display at Here is Elsewhere put a smile on my face. The individual paintings almost don't matter, but it is awfully fun.


Not all of the galleries' shows sang to me, but boy did the kids dig these two pieces above. "Do not touch" seemed nearly impossible to the little ones in attendance.


This was fantastic display—a large wall painted white with rough holes of various shapes cut into it at different heights. When peeked into each hole revealed a miniature wonderland. How these little worlds were created was on view too, behind the big white wall. So great. 


I consistently love what is going on at Young Projects. For this opening the galleries featured 3D works with a playful title: "Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space." Hard to take a picture of, but imagine this white lumpy stuff jumping out at you. (The shadows are me and Jason King, another third of Somewhere Something team.)


Atmospheric installations at Another Year in LA and Art Merge Lab. In both cases the galleries became dreamy, otherworldly spaces showcasing the artwork.


The Hudson Linc space is one of my favorites of the PDC galleries. I like how the space doesn't conceal its former self—the neon lights overhead and messy concrete floor below. The "Beyond Minimalism" show is really good—bright, playful, tactile.


Another art-filled night in LA. See you next round, PDC and you pretty art people.