just pour me an eyeful


The cottage really feels like home now: I just broke my first wine glass.

A Riedel glass no less. And I only had one sip.

But don't cry over spilled wine, silly thing...just pour more. That's what Trader Joe's is for. Err, I mean Silverlake Wine.

And speaking of wine-y things, we checked out City Sip, a sweet little spot in Echo Park.

Design, well, not their strong suit, but a really lovely list of somewhat unusual wines at reasonable prices with tasty bits of cheese, charcuterie, etc. to pair your sips with. Or gulps.

The LATimes had a nice write up about City Sip a few weeks ago, which featured a cute pic of Ashley, the ever-friendly waitress at Canelé. (She totally has a crush on Ilan Hall. Who is totally crushable.)

And after a few of my own sips, I'm dreaming of the wine bar I would open. Where design would be a strong suit.