Naughty bits: favorites week ending 07.16.17

The heat of the summer and a lingering tail injury had the pup a little blue this week. We didn't do our usual tromping around the neighborhood. Had some nice courtyard time though.

Nice to see some artwork rotations at the museum. The door signage is a little misleading—the Visitors Services staff were not allowed in the galleries. But we got some peeks around the edges and then got the full lowdown from The Broad's Instagram story. It's funny we are usually the last to know about changes, but the first to engage with guests about the work. 

Love this install action shot. The preps are the goods. And the new work is terrific in person.

Had a fun night in the neighborhood. I'm pretty sure the best hamburger I've ever had is at ERB. Saw this bitchin' car on the walk home.

Went to a bunch of openings Saturday (summer does not signal a slow down in the L.A. art scene). Visited galleries in Chinatown, Arts District, and S. Anderson. I put together an more robust album on my FB page here. Some highlights below (and a special shout to CUNT at Venus, a show I absolutely love):