Counting days for Day 31 #100DaysStudioObj

My jobs are: freelance graphic designer and digital media consultant, artist, zinester, pit bull personal trainer, once a month Thursday Night Social co-hoster, and part time Operations Manager of Keystone Art Space (where I tend to be 6 days a week for at least a couple hours a day, often much longer). What this means in terms of scheduling is: I'm very flexible. It also means I tend to lose track of what day of the month it is.

I have a wonderful, big calendar in my studio to remind me, but as you can see from the picture above I took a couple of days ago, I forget to tear the pages off. It reads April 1 (no joke).

I love love love this calendar.

I've been buying yearly variations of it for well over a decade now, first in San Francisco's Chinatown and now in L.A.'s. The pages are tissue thin, the print is bold and mostly each page is either red or green—but occasionally there are fancier pages with illustrations and both colors are used. I don't know why some pages get a special treatment or what any of it says except for the number, the month, and day of the week.

I admire the bold, straightforward number, the same size on each page, and the simple, rigorous grid structure of the text below. And then, every so often there is a surprise of an illustration.

I've saved many hundred of pages of the calendars over the years. The thinness of the paper and their bold graphic beauty seem perfect for collaging and I occasionally use them, but not too much. Over time saving too many days starts to feel pretty hoarder, weird so I purge. Currently I've got about a 1/2" high stack.

(I realize now I actually took the first picture last week. Afterwards I got to work catching up, tearing off pages. The calendar currently reads May 11. It's actually May 18 today.)