A ditzy, doozy diorama Day 21 #100DaysStudioProject

Last year I started holding every now-and-then creative nights with friends called Thursday Night Social and this is the output from the Dioramas night. I had never done anything like this prior (nor since) but highly enjoyed it. The process was rather fast and dirty—made in just a couple of hours—amongst lots of laughs and wine with friends at the big table at the Somewhere Something studio. 

I don't consider the diorama a great piece and it is rather rough around the edges, but it charms me nonetheless. I keep it on display in my studio. It's another one of those I-want-to-do-more-of-this studio objects.

Thursday Night Social has been revived to a regular thing, being held the first Thursday of each month at Keystone Art Lab. And I'm very pleased about—my studio neighbor Krista Machovina and I have partnered up to hold the events and they are fun, inspiring nights that are also productive. (More info on my home page.)