Reuse and utility on Day 6 #100DaysStudioObj

If I'm making a collage, like I am today, I'm using this object: a plastic egg carton. 

My way is to pour a small amount of glue or in some cases Modge Podge or string gel (there's another #100DaysStudioObj post—the adhesives!) into a cup of a plastic half dozen egg carton that I use over and over again. I'll have the same carton for 6 months or more. I also use it for paint in combination with the cardboard palette on my drafting table.

Because it takes me so long to decide it's time for a fresh carton for my brush dipping, combined with my rather egg-heavy diet, combined with my "reuse is the best form of recycling" habit, I have a ridiculously large stash of the cartons in my studio. That said, the stash is rather old—I only occasionally buy the eggs that come in this particular carton any more, because none of the shops near my loft downtown sell Lily's Eggs, my plastic carton, and up until recently, egg, of choice. (For the last year I've tended to buy eggs at the Farmer's Market on 5th and Spring on Sundays and they come in a traditional cardboard carton. And are amazingly wonderful, with the organgest yolks. They are better than Lily's...sorry, gal.) It's of course just fine my egg buying habits have changed—I've got a supply to last me many years.