stay the same / change

On Sunday Meaux and I changed up our routine and opted for a rather urban 4.8 mile walk. (It took 1:34:22, we burned 524 calories, and our average pace was 19:38 minutes per mile, according to Runkeeper. You should get this app on your phone, pronto. And let's be on each other's Street Team.)

Some iPhone pics along the way (hence the sluggish pace):


The sun started to go down and we headed home on an over grown sidewalk right next to the roaring traffic of I-5. It was a wonderful walk.

Today we did a shorter version of the same route (2.85 miles, 1:00:20) and in those three days there had been changes to the landscape.

Sadly, the beautiful Becca had been painted over. Across the street, the creepy memorial with the hand cuffs had fresh flowers.

The jungle sidewalk was still wonderfully over grown, for which we were both grateful. 

Sacha Halona BaumannComment