a non-fictionalized account of actual events

My pup and I were hoofing it up a very steep Silver Lake hill this morning for our daily constitutional when I spied a beat up old box full of...boxes. Not ordinary boxes: wooden Kraft cheese boxes. (And in modern fashion, I promptly snapped a pic and posted in on my art Facebook page and Twitter.)

With a pang of regret of not being able to take them with us, Meaux-Meaux and I kept on walking on this gorgeous, hot day. We explored the neighborhood, getting slightly lost, and loving it. When we got back home I kept thinking about those boxes, but my wobbly legs weren't up for the hike back to find them.

And then, I got an email out of the blue from Jamie. (Jamie!) What a treat. Back in my blogging-with-gusto days, Jamie's was an absolute favorite read. Over the years we became pals. It's been a long time since we've had any contact and I haven't looked at The Known Universe in a long time. (I just did–it is still sublime.

I'm sitting at my computer, guzzling water, recovering from the hike around the 'hood and an email comes from Jamie. (Jamie!) He says some sweet stuff and:

"I rarely rarely rarely go on twitter because I kind of feel like I'm listening to one of those party lines they used to advertise on late night TV, but I signed in today and saw your tweet about the Kraft cheese boxes. First of all, since you're "Krafty" you absolutely NEED to get those "Kraft" boxes. (hopefully you already have.)"

That was all the prompting I needed. I grabbed a backpack, a paper bag, and my tired pup and we headed back out in this beautiful day in search of those boxes.

I wasn't too late. Success:

Thanks to my old blogging friend for the impetuous to get them. Now: naps. Later: kfraty-ness.