1967, the year of Perry Mason (this one's a boozy doozy)

September 16 entry of the diary I found in the alley:

Dick picked me up at 730 AM 2 Squares
drivers on the buss to Reno Lunch on rood
2 tropical ^I got a glass from it drinks at Trater Dicks
good dinner; wone $5.00 jack pot.
Bob Page called, we did all the rounds +
the squares; Milkshake after that + crem de mint
2: AM saw Liberace at the Nugget 2 Creem de mint
at show time Liberace came to Dick + Me said
"Are you from ^the Square dancers? "Yes I answered" shook
hand with Dick them me I said "Thank you
sir very much." He cambe back with his new
record albon "Liberace Nows." gave it just to me, no
one else got one. I wad delighted, was at ring side seat
Got to be a 4:00 A.M.